We at CATA understand that the presence of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. contributes to the betterment of civil society.
North American society takes advantage of the immigrant population in order to maintain low salaries and increase profits. Although immigrants contribute financially though purchasing and living costs, and many pay taxes and into Social Security, they are kept in poverty and do not receive a quality of life equal to everyone else.
CATA believes that a comprehensive immigration reform should include:
A pathway to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants that is not based on length of residency or employment
The right to maintain families together
The right to work, protected by all labor rights, including the right to collective bargaining and a living wage
In the absence of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, CATA and its members focus on other immigrant rights issues including:
Expanding access to Driver’s Licenses for the undocumented community
Working with communities on how they can be more fair and welcoming to their undocumented neighbors
Know Your Rights Trainings and Presentations
The struggle of the immigrant community goes beyond the recognition of basic human rights as migrants and workers. The struggle is to challenge society to not be guided by fear and intolerance, but by the recognition of the value and inherent dignity of human life.
Over the past several months, immigration policy has been a prominent topic of discussion among lawmakers and politicians. There was even a bipartisan bill drafted to address certain immigration issues that quickly went nowhere in our ineffective Congress. And we saw that President Biden was considering proposing executive orders with reforms to the asylum process. These measure all fall exceptionally short of adequately addressing the urgent needs of immigrants seeking asylum and fail to provide any of the comprehensive immigration reforms that this country needs.
The principal points of discussion are to provide more enforcement at the border and put more restrictions on asylum seekers. This will leave countless individuals and families facing uncertain futures and unsafe conditions. Any reform to the asylum process must prioritize the protection and support of asylum seekers, recognizing their right to seek refuge from persecution and violence.