As we look back on 2015, I am excited by the progress made by our members, supporters, and staff at CATA during this year.
This year our members and staff:
Lauched RadioCATA, CATA’s very own low-power FM station in Bridgeton, NJ. The station also streams online at com, so we hope you tune in!
Completed another successful growing season in CATA’s organic community gardens in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Advocated for a stronger Worker Protection Standard (WPS) to lessen farmworkers’ risk of exposure to pesticides. The new WPS was released this past September and our members are now focused on enforcement and implementation.
Provided health and safety and workers’ rights trainings to hundreds of farmworkers and migrant workers.
Advanced CATA’s credit union application. We are working through this multi-year process to charter a credit union for CATA’s members to have control over their finances and influential economic power.
Participated in local, national, and international meetings and conferences on the topics of food, environmental, and climate justice, ensuring that workers’ rights are always a part of the dialogue.
You can also read more about CATA’s 2015 in the latest edition of our newsletter, The Siembra.
Our members continue to fight to change the unfair systems and policies that oppress migrant workers and their families. We affirm that the struggle goes beyond the recognition of the basic human rights of migrants and workers. The struggle is to challenge society to not be guided by fear and intolerance, but by the recognition of the value and inherent dignity of human life.
Our work in the coming years will be dedicated to addressing these issues. We wouldn’t be able to do this important work without the help and financial support of our friends and allies. Any contribution to CATA, large or small, puts us all one step closer to living in a society that respects the rights of all people.
For your convenience, a reply card and envelope are enclosed for your response. If you prefer, you can make your tax-deductible gift online through Just Give at
All of us here at CATA wish you and your family peace and joy in the New Year! Thank you again for all your support. ¡Si se puede!

Nelson Carrasquillo
General Coordinator