This rally was an incredible experience for me. Alongside C.A.T.A., numerous organizations were present, such as Wind of the Spirit, N.J.A.I.J., and Faith in N.J. We united in our fight for the justice that immigrants rightfully deserve. We protested and talked with a councilwoman, advocating for the passage of the Values and Language Access bills.
We arrived at the rally around ten in the morning and stayed until approximately 3 p.m. Despite the intense heat and humidity, we knew our voices needed to be heard and understood by lawmakers as we explained the importance of these bills for our community.

Numerous other organizations also highlighted the ongoing injustices. I had the opportunity to learn about the stories and struggles of immigrants and gain insights into how the councilwoman perceived the bills and how New Jersey state representatives might view them.
I can relate to these issues as a first-generation member of my Mexican immigrant family. I had to translate documents into English for my parents, who couldn't fully comprehend them. It was challenging, and I empathized with other first-generation individuals who faced similar difficulties.
Overall, this experience was immensely beneficial, exposing me to real-life issues and reinforcing the importance of fighting for change. I am thankful to those who continue to fight for immigrant justice.
Xitlalic Flores, C.A.T.A. Youth Food Justice Leader
Support these bills today!
NJ S512 Values Act
NJ S2459 Language Justice and Inclusion Act